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TCP-Friendly Bandwidth Sharing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: From Theory to Reality


This article addresses a problem of the severe unfairness between multiple TCP sessions in a wireless context also known as "TCP capture" phenomenon. We present an adapted max-min fairness framework to the specifics of MANETs. We introduce a practically implementable cross-layer network architecture which enforces our formal model. We have verified with simulations and real world experiments that under our adaptive rate limiting scheme unfair behavior virtually vanishes. The direct consequence of this work guaranteed stable services for TCP-based applications in MANETs, including traditional FTP, web as well as for UDP-based sessions.



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Osipov, E., Tschudin, C. TCP-Friendly Bandwidth Sharing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: From Theory to Reality. J Wireless Com Network 2007, 017651 (2007).

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