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Table 2 The parameters of the PTLS service.

From: A Peer-Tree Based Location Lookup Service in Mobile Wireless Networks

Hello broadcast

Broadcast interval

Broadcast once every 10 seconds of silence.



broadcast inverval

Location Update

Interval of update

Speed dependent


Unicast a location update for every 100 meters of movement



current update inverval



Random waypoint model


Range of mobility

A 2-D field of square meters.


Direction distance of movement

A host moves along a straight line to a randomly chosen destination.


Pause time

Pauses for seconds after arriving at a destination.


Movement speeds

Between and meters per second.



The movement lasts throughout a simulation.

Data Transmissions


Randomly chosen pairs of mobile hosts communicate to each other.


Traffic model

Unidirectional ( cbr) connections.


Packet size

512 bytes of User Data + Headers


Packet rate

10 packets per second



Throughout the duration of a simulation which is seconds.