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Table 1 Algorithmic notation and data structures

From: Adaptive neighbor-based topology control protocol for wireless multi-hop networks

WHITE color

Ordinary node

RED color

k-symmetric neighbor

BLUE color

k-asymmetric neighbor

BLACK color

Backbone node


Total number of nodes in the network

Tx max

Maximum transmission range

N i *

Set of all one-hop neighbors of node i

N i k

Set of k least-distant neighbors of node i

T x i k

Transmission range of node i required to reach the farthest neighbor in N i k

d (i, j)

Estimated distance between nodes i and j

T max

Maximum delay a node must wait, before initiating the next step

T d, fwd

Forwarding delay for TC message

T interval

Forwarding interval for TC message


{ nb.Identity_; nb.Distance_; nb.Color_;

nb.Backbone_; nb.HopCount_; } entry;