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Figure 3 | EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking

Figure 3

From: Optimal offline broadcast scheduling with an energy harvesting transmitter

Figure 3

Comparison of DuOpt and SUMT Algorithms. Average computation time (log scale) versus number of epochs for the optimal solutions of Problem 1 with DuOpt and SUMT Algorithms: Solid blue line is the average computation time of the optimal schedule with DuOpt and black dashed line represents the computation time of SUMT Algorithm. A two-user AWGN BC with 1-KHz bandwidth and noise spectral density of N0 = 10− 12 W/Hz is considered. Path loss factors on the links of the strong and the weak user are assumed to be s1 = 70 and s2 = 75 dB, respectively. There is a probability of 0.25 that no energy harvest occurs at the start of an epoch. With probability 0.75 energy harvest amounts (in W) are chosen from a Pareto distribution with parameters b = 2 and α = 2. Similarly, there is a probability of 0.25 that no data arrival occurs; otherwise, data arrival amounts (in Kbits) are selected from a Pareto distribution with parameters b = 4, α = 2 and then rounded to the nearest integer.

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