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Table 6 Trust metric

From: Trust management in vehicular ad hoc network: a systematic review



Multifaceted approach

Time closeness (T c )


Location closeness (L c )


Role-based trust value (T r ) :


∙A u t h o r i t y∙E x p e r t∙S e n i o r i t y∙O r d i n a r y


Experience-based trust value (T e ): depends on the number of interaction


Direct previous experiences with the target node (Rep ij )


Recommendations from other surrounding vehicles (Rec kj )


Recommendation from central authority through roadside units (RecRSUj )


Dynamic trustworthiness factors, e.g., location and time (μ l )


Event-specific trust (λ j )


Security status (s(v k ))


Type of vehicle ((v k ))


Content similarity (supprt(c))


- Maximum distance of content between two messages in the same cluster


- Possible maximum distance - number of messages


Content conflict (Con c )


Route similarity (Path c )


- Number of messages in the cluster


- Number of source providers


- Number of distinct vehicles in the routing paths of messages in the same cluster

Intrusion-aware trust model

Confidence value (C i )


- Location closeness (L c )


- Time closeness (T c )


- Location verification (L v )


- Time verification (T v )


Total number of sender nodes (\(n_{x_{k}}\))

Reputation-based trust model

Real event frequency (E f )


Standard frequency of event (E s )


Degree behavior deviation (D k )


Number of all vehicles sent the message to other vehicles (m,n,k,l)


Event reputation value: indicates the intensity degree of an event


Event confidence value: indicate the reliability extent of an event and the value is the number of vehicles that received the message


Observation factor (Ï„)


- Distance from vehicle to event


- Maximum detection range of the vehicle


- Number of sensors that can detect the event


- Total number of sensors equipped in the vehicle


feedback factor (η)


Beacon-based Trust (T bea)


- Similarity between beacon and estimate value (Simcos)


Vehicle’s position




Drive direction


Direct event-based trust ( T devt )


- Similarity between historical beacon and received event message (Simtan)


Vehicle’s position




Drive direction


- Distance between the message receiver and the message transmitter (Δ d)


- Time delay between the event message time-stamp and the receiver’s current time-stamp (Δ t)


- Maximum transmission distance (D max)


- Maximum transmission delay (T max)


Indirect event-based trust (T evt)


Recommendation of other vehicles (T opn)


Reputation and trust compositing (T rep)


Opinion confidence of RSU (O rsu)


Direct trust value (\(T_{\text {devt}}^{r,s}\))


- Transmission distance


- Transmission delay


Distance between sender and RSU (D tot)


Distance between RSU and event (d r,s )