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Table 1 Pseudo-code of sub-database construction

From: Hardware and software design of BMW system for multi-floor localization

Algorithm: Sub-database construction

Data: Raw fingerprint database

Result: sub-databases

1 c l u s t e rA P_C l u s t e r(i n p u t);

2 for each c l u s t e r i c l u s t e r s do

3 for each p o i n t j c l u s t e r i do

4 if r e l a t i v e_d e n s i t y(p o i n t j ) >Threshold

5 Outliers are reassigned to the nearest neighbor;

6 back to Step 1;

7 end

8 end

9 Obtain the cluster center;

10 end

11 Construct each cluster as a sub-database;