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Table 4 Cost calculation of onsite assembly

From: The cost calculation method of construction 3D printing aligned with internet of things


Cost composition

Cost calculation


Sub-engineering fee

=∑[(a) × (b)]


Unit cost

= (i) + (ii) + (iii) + (iv)


Labor cost

= Amount of labor × unit labor cost


Material cost

= Amount of material × unit material cost


Machine cost

= Amount of machine × unit machine cost


Management cost

=[(i) + (iii)] × rate of management fee



Determined by manufacturers



Determined by manufacturers


Sub-engineering quantity



Cost of taking measures

=(c) + (d)


Cost for taking measures (countable)

=∑((b) × rate)


Cost for taking measures (uncountable)

= (vii) + (viii)


Safety construction

= Base amount × rate of safe construction


Other measures

= Base amount × rate of other measures as determined by management authority


Other project cost

Provisional sums, cost of daywork, contracting management fee


Pollution discharge cost

According to actual cost


Cost of onsite assembly

= (1) + (2) + (3) + (4)