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Table 1 List of abbreviations

From: Efficient energy resource utilization in a wireless sensor system for monitoring water quality


Analog-to-digital converter

mc, a; gc, b

Class A channel power gain for UL channels; class B channel power gain for UL channels

BS / c1

Base station

nc, a; uc, b

Class A channel power gain for DL channels; class B channel power gain for DL channels


Channel state information


SNR gap



σ 2

Noise power


Energy harvesting

jc; ξ0

Time-length of class A energy harvesting; time-length of class B energy harvesting


Intended RF power sources

ζa; ξb

Time-length of class A information transmission; time-length of class B information transmission



xc, a; xc, b

Power signal received by senor a; Power signal received by senor b


Industrial, scientific and medical

za; zb

Background noise at sensor a; Background noise at sensor b


Multi-class, multiple-intended-source

Ea; Eb

Total energy received by sensor a; total energy received by sensor b


Optimization algorithm for efficient resource allocation

jc; ξ0

Time-length of class A energy harvesting; time-length of class B energy harvesting



ζa; ξb

Time-length of class A information transmission; time-length of class B information transmission


Radio frequency

za; zb

Background noise at sensor a; Background noise at sensor b


Time division multiple access

Ea; Eb

Total energy received by sensor a; total energy received by sensor b



εa; εb

RF-to-DC conversion efficiency


Wireless energy transmission and wireless information transmission

Pa; Pb

Average energy consumed by sensor a for data transmission; average energy consumed by sensor b for data transmission


Wireless sensor network

Ψa; Ψb

Fixed allowable portion of energy for sensor a data transmission; fixed allowable portion of energy for sensor b data transmission


Wireless powered sensor network

\( {x}_{c_1,a} \);\( {x}_{c_1,b} \)

Signal received by the BS from sensor a; signal received by the BS from sensor b

a ∈ {a1, a2, .., A}; b ∈ {b1, b2, .., B}

Set of sensor nodes in class A; set of sensor nodes in class B

xa; xb

Sensor a arbitrary random signal; sensor b arbitrary random signal

c ∈ {c1, c2, .., C}

Set of intended RF power sources

εa; εb

RF-to-DC conversion efficiency

\( {\overset{\sim }{m}}_{c,a} \); \( {\overset{\sim }{g}}_{c,b} \)

Complex variable of class A UL channels from sensor a to the BS; complex variable of class B UL channels from sensor b to the BS

Pa; Pb

Average energy consumed by sensor a for data transmission; average energy consumed by sensor b for data transmission

\( {\overset{\sim }{n}}_{c,a} \); \( {\overset{\sim }{u}}_{c,b} \)

Complex variable of class A DL channels from an IPS c to sensors a; complex variable of class B DL channels from an IPS c to sensors b

Ψa; Ψb

Fixed allowable portion of energy for sensor a data transmission; fixed allowable portion of energy for sensor b data transmission

xc, a; xc, b

Power signal received by senor a; power signal received by senor b


Escherichia coli


Potential of hydrogen (in logarithmic scale standard)