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Table 3 EE optimization with different achievable rate requirements

From: CMBF-based dynamic selection for heterogeneous massive MIMO systems

Algorithm 2—EE optimization with different achievable rate requirements

Perform the following steps.

Initialization: system simulation parameters

  Step 1. Generate positions of coordinate SBSs for all different coordinated scenarios. Get the base station location set BS-locations.

  Step 2. implementation times is the number of Realizations

Randomly generate user location.

Detect whether the location of each user is within the cell and whether the distances from each MBS and SBS are greater than the minimum distance requirement. If they all meet the requirements, go to the next step, otherwise repeat.

Traverses the number of different cooperative BS forNCBS ∈ {0, 1, ..., C}, and number of SBSs is S.

** Calculate channels for the current number of antennas, generate user fading channels under the current number of antennas;

**Generate power constraints punderNcurrent;

** Traverse the different achievable rate requirements, R ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}with the number of antennas is N.

***Generate user target SINR set γ: γ = 2R − 1.

***Solve formula (22) using Centralized Algorithm-CMBF;

Step 3. Calculate E{R}, E {Ptotal}, EE