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Table 1 Algorithmic module

From: Infrared and visible image fusion based on nonlinear enhancement and NSST decomposition

The proposed algorithmic: Based on Nonlinear Enhancement and NSST Decomposition

Input: Infrared image IR, visible images VIS, parameter λ

Output: Fused image F

1. IR and VIS are decomposed into high- and low-frequency components by NSST.

2. The parameter λ set to 10; compute fusion weight CIR and CVIS by nonlinear function S(λ) (Eqs. 58).

3. Obtain fused low-frequency component LFCF using LFC _ F = CIR LFCIR + CVIS LFCVIS.

4. Fuse high-frequency components using WT-based method with “mean” and “maximum absolute” rules to obtain fused high-frequency component HFCF.

5. Repeat 4 until all corresponding components are fused.

6. The final fused images F is obtained by inverse NSST.