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Table 1 Table of notations

From: Location-sharing protocol for privacy protection in mobile online social networks




User i’s social network identifier

\(FID_i\leftarrow _R\{0,1\}^{k}\)

A random bit-string \(FID_i\) selected from a set of k bit-string


Location server


Social network server


User \(ID_i\)’s real location


User \(ID_i\)’s friend-case threshold distance


User \(ID_i\)’s stranger-case threshold distance


A social network graph stored in \(S_{OSN}\)


User \(ID_i\)’s public key and secret key pair


The public key and secret key pair of \(S_{OSN}\)


Location server’s public key and secret key pair


The function calculates the distance between \((x_1,y_1)\) and \((x_2,y_2)\)


The function that computes the minimum of x and y


A signature \(s_{OSN}\) generated with the user’s secret key \(sk_{osn}\) over (\(FID_i\),ts)


Verify the correctness of the signature \(s_{OSN}\) with the user’s public key \(pk_{osn}\)