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Table 5 Different allocation methods with their corresponding complexities and performance

From: Dynamic rate and channel use allocation for cooperative wireless networks

Allocation method



Exhaustive with variable \(\alpha\)

\(\Omega (\left( {n_{\text {MCS}} \times n_{\text {CUR}}}\right) ^M)\)

Optimal but complex:

exponential with M and linear with \(n_{\text {MCS}}\) and \(n_{\text {CUR}}\)

Exhaustive with fixed \(\alpha\)

\(\Omega (\left( {n_{\text {MCS}}}\right) ^M)\)

Optimal (for fixed \(\alpha\)) but complex:

exponential with M and linear with \(n_{\text {MCS}}\)

BRD with variable \(\alpha\)

\(\Omega ({n_{\text {MCS}} \times n_{\text {CUR}}} \times M \times n_{\text {BRD}})\)

Approaches the exhaustive method

with lower complexity (linear with M)

BRD with fixed \(\alpha\)

\(\Omega ({n_{\text {MCS}}} \times M \times n_{\text {BRD}})\)

Approaches the exhaustive method (for fixed \(\alpha\))

with lower complexity (linear with M)

GA with variable \(\alpha\)

\(\Omega ({n_{\text {MCS}}}\times n_{\text {CUR}}\times M)\)

Low complexity but with mediocre performance

GA with fixed \(\alpha\)

\(\Omega ({n_{\text {MCS}}}\times M)\)

Low complexity but with mediocre performance

Fixed allocation

\(\Omega (1)\)

Unacceptable performance