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Wireless Mesh Networks to Support Video Surveillance: Architecture, Protocol, and Implementation Issues
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking volume 2007, Article number: 031976 (2007)
Current video-surveillance systems typically consist of many video sources distributed over a wide area, transmitting live video streams to a central location for processing and monitoring. The target of this paper is to present an experience of implementation of a large-scale video-surveillance system based on a wireless mesh network infrastructure, discussing architecture, protocol, and implementation issues. More specifically, the paper proposes an architecture for a video-surveillance system, and mainly centers its focus on the routing protocol to be used in the wireless mesh network, evaluating its impact on performance at the receiver side. A wireless mesh network was chosen to support a video-surveillance application in order to reduce the overall system costs and increase scalability and performance. The paper analyzes the performance of the network in order to choose design parameters that will achieve the best trade-off between video encoding quality and the network traffic generated.
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Licandro, F., Schembra, G. Wireless Mesh Networks to Support Video Surveillance: Architecture, Protocol, and Implementation Issues. J Wireless Com Network 2007, 031976 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1155/2007/31976
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2007/31976