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Rain-Induced Bistatic Scattering at 60 GHz


This paper presents the results of a study into the modeling and prediction of rain-induced bistatic scattering at 60 GHz. The bistatic radar equation together with Mie theory is applied as the basis for calculating the scattering. Together with the attenuation induced by the medium before and after scattering, the received scattered power can be calculated at a given path geometry and known orientations of transmit and receive antennas. The model results are validated by comparison with published measurements. Finally, recommendations are made for future deployments of 60 GHz infrastructure.



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Zanden, H.T.v., Watson, R.J. & Herben, M.H.A.J. Rain-Induced Bistatic Scattering at 60 GHz. J Wireless Com Network 2007, 053203 (2007).

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