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Differential Detection of Space-Time Spreading with Two Transmit Antennas


A differential detection scheme for space-time spreading with two transmit antennas is proposed. The scheme does not require channel state information at either the transmitter or the receiver. With segmentation and preamble symbols padded at the transmitter, the receiver recovers the information using differential detection. Both phase-shift keying (PSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals are considered. The proposed scheme achieves two-level transmit diversity gain with low complexity and saves the use of channel estimation, while having about 3 dB performance loss as compared to the coherent detection scheme. When multiple receive antennas exist, additional receive diversity gain can be achieved along with the transmit diversity gain. The scheme works fine under block-fading channel as well as slow Rayleigh fading channel, which is a popular scenario for high-rate data communications. The system performance for different segment sizes, channel fading speeds, modulation methods, and numbers of receive antennas is studied through simulations.



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Shi, T., Cao, L. Differential Detection of Space-Time Spreading with Two Transmit Antennas. J Wireless Com Network 2006, 070509 (2006).

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