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RETRACTED ARTICLE: Fusion of transformer and ML-CNN-BiLSTM for network intrusion detection

This article was retracted on 13 May 2024

This article has been updated


Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) can effectively sense network attacks, which is of great significance for maintaining the security of cyberspace. To meet the requirements of efficient and accurate network status monitoring, a NIDS model using Transformer-based fusion deep learning architecture is proposed. Firstly, GAN-Cross is used to expand minority class sample data, thereby alleviating the issues of imbalanced minority class about the original dataset. Then, the Transformer module is used to adjust the ML-CNN-BiLSTM model to enhance the feature encoding ability of the intrusion model. Finally, the data enhancement model and feature enhancement model are integrated into the NIDS model, the detection model is optimized, the features of network state data are extracted at a deeper level, and the generalization ability of the detection model is enhanced. Some simulation experiments using UNSW-NB15 datasets show that the proposed fusion architecture can achieve efficient analysis of complex network traffic datasets, with an accuracy of 0.903, effectively improving the detection accuracy of NIDS and its ability to detect unknown attacks. The proposed model has good application value in ensuring the stable operation of network systems.

1 Introduction

Currently, network security attacks occur frequently. At a time when cyber security attacks pose a serious threat and their destructive attack power is becoming increasingly serious, how to gain early and timely insight into and grasp the development trend of cyber security, understand the harmful techniques of various new cyber security attacks, and make targeted and effective proactive responses to them has gradually become a common research focus in different fields [1, 2].

Network intrusion detection system (NIDS) can actively detect attacks through network traffic analysis, and it plays a crucial role in network security [3]. Although NIDS has developed for decades, existing NIDS models still face the challenges of increasingly complex Internet attacks and massive data intrusion detection. Accurate detection of abnormal traffic is particularly important for network security and reliability [4].

NIDS can actively detect attack behavior through network traffic analysis, playing a crucial role in network security. It requires processing and analyzing the entire network flow and conducting overall statistical analysis and identification of data packets in the network flow.

Currently, deep learning has been introduced into the field of NIDS and has achieved successful applications. Random forest, long and short-term memory (LSTM) network and other network architectures can be used as basic classifiers to construct network intrusion algorithms, which will help achieve highly effective intrusion detection analysis [5, 6].

With the advent of the big data area, network data presents the features of large data volume, high dimensionality, and imbalance. Before conducting intrusion detection, it is crucial to perform imbalanced processing and feature dimensionality reduction on the data. Although the above methods have improved the detection performance to some extent, it is generally rare in intrusion states, and the imbalance between normal traffic and intrusion traffic often leads to classifiers biased toward majority class results.

In the face of increasingly complex network environments and massive intrusion data, many existing methods have insufficient generalization capabilities and cannot effectively detect unknown attacks [7]. Therefore, a new NIDS method is proposed by integrating Auto-Encoders, Transformers, and current mainstream deep learning network models.

  1. (1)

    Based on the unique advantages of Generic Adversarial Network (GAN) model in handling class imbalanced data, Generic Adversarial Network with Cross-Layer (GAN-Cross) is utilized to expand minority class sample data, thereby alleviating the issue of imbalanced minority class about the original dataset and improving data balance.

  2. (2)

    The Transformer module is used to optimize and adjust the Multiscale Convolutional Neural Networks (ML-CNN) and Bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) network model, achieving parallel operation of the Transformer-ML-CNN BiLSTM network (TMLCB) network model, reducing training time, and it will improve the detection performance of the intrusion network model.

  3. (3)

    The TMLCB model is optimized using data enhancement and self-supervised feature enhancement methods to extract deep and comprehensive data features of network traffic, enhancing the generalization ability of the detection model.

2 Related works

NIDS can monitor the operation of the network, collects various types of network traffic data, and completes the statistics and analysis of network traffic. Distinguish network flows that differ significantly from other normal network behaviors and generate abnormal alerts in order to take measures to minimize network losses [8, 9].

Anomaly detection is used to determine an intrusion based on the normality of a user's behavior. It first studies the normal state of the system and establishes a user profile. When a user's activity deviates significantly from normal behavior, it is considered an intrusion [10, 11]. Generally speaking, NIDS methods can be divided into two types: statistical learning and deep learning based.

Statistical learning-based methods use the statistical features of normal activity to capture network traffic activity and create profiles that represent its random behavior [12]. Siddiqi et al. [13] combines normalization methods with statistical learning methods to enhance the performance of supervised classifiers and achieve network traffic intrusion monitoring; Alzubi [14] constructs a network monitoring model based on the statistical Dirichlet model to ensure the stable operation of industrial wireless sensor networks; Nie et al. [15] statistically analyzes the features of network traffic, and uses deep reinforcement learning (Q-learning) as the backbone network to build an NIDS model to provide various services for users. However, these models are difficult to break through the limitations of high-dimensional curse.

Xiao et al. [16] used traffic features extracted based on principal component analysis (PCA) as the input dataset to determine the type of traffic based on the output probability, but reliable and complete prior data support is required; Chapaneri et al. [17] uses the Gaussian mixture model method to learn the statistical features of each traffic category and uses the adaptive threshold technology based on the quartile spacing to identify outlier. However, these models are difficult to extract the deep features of network traffic.

The essence of statistical learning is the threshold method. The currently observed records are based on previously trained statistical records with significant deviations and outlier scores exceeding a specific threshold. However, it should be noted that the threshold of statistical learning is difficult to fix and requires complex mathematical calculations. With the increase in network data traffic, relying solely on statistical methods for manual labeling makes it difficult to obtain a large amount of accurately labeled data, resulting in a limited training dataset size, which makes the model unable to accurately detect attacks.

The core theoretical goal of deep learning networks is to learn models from data, so that the learned models can be well applied to new samples, with strong generalization ability [18, 19]. Wen et al. [20] uses convolutional neural network models to construct NIDS models, reduce node data redundancy, and extract abnormal behavior sample features. Nie et al. [21] first identifies a single attack based on generating adversarial networks, which integrates multiple network models to achieve multiple types of comprehensive network monitoring. However, these two models are difficult to cope with complex and diverse abnormal traffic situations. Luo et al. [22] combines unsupervised and supervised analysis of network traffic within channels, and it introduces a triple convolutional neural network (TCNN) for feature extraction. However, it is difficult for this model to extract time series features. Yu et al. [23] proposed combined the multi-classifier and recursive neural networks (MCRNN) to generate corresponding network monitoring models to achieve efficient identification and processing of network attacks. However, the model does not propose effective measures to solve the problem of unbalanced data types in network traffic.

Yan et al. [24] proposed a combined NIDS model using deep recurrent neural network (DRNN) and regional adaptive composite oversampling algorithm (RA-SMOTE), which improved the ability of the model to describe data and detection performance. However, in some long-term dependency problems, traditional RNNs may encounter problems such as gradient vanishing and explosion during training due to their structural features. Roy et al. [25] proposes a NIDS method using bidirectional LSTM, which can learn more detailed features from the dataset during the training phase and achieve high attack traffic detection accuracy. Hou et al. [26] constructed a detection system based on layered long short-term memory (LSTM), which can learn across multiple time levels on complex network traffic sequences and has good detection performance. However, the issue of imbalanced data sample sets was ignored by these two models.

Although deep learning and machine learning algorithms have achieved good results in the field of network NIDS, the following problems still exist: 1) It is difficult for many models to extract the deep level features and dynamic time series features of network traffic at the same time, and these two features are of great significance for detecting abnormal traffic. 2) Under current network operation conditions, network traffic is complex and diverse, and the imbalance between normal traffic and intrusion traffic often leads to significant deviations in the identification results. 3) Meanwhile, when processing massive amounts of data, high accuracy is often accompanied by large time costs. How to simultaneously improve data processing efficiency and model accuracy is also the focus of current research.

Considering the above issues, the detection method based on the Transformer-ML-CNN-BiLSTM with data enhancement Auto-Encoder (AE) and self-supervised feature enhancement Auto-Encoder (AETMLCBAE) is proposed. Effectively solving the problem of imbalanced data sample sets using the GAN-Cross model. While enhancing the data of attack traffic, the self-supervised model is also used to extract self-supervised features to enhance the traffic features, assisting the detection network model in completing subsequent classification tasks, effectively improving the accuracy of NIDS.

3 Methods

The NIDS model based on AETMLCBAE is shown in Fig. 1, mainly composed of a data enhancement model, a feature enhancement model, and a Transformer-ML-CNN-BiLSTM model. The data enhancement Auto-Encoder 1 generates attack class traffic samples, expands the number of attack class samples, and completes the task of data enhancement. The Transformer-ML-CNN-BiLSTM model is responsible for extracting high-dimensional spatiotemporal features of traffic. Feature enhancement Auto-Encoder 2 is responsible for learning richer information representations from traffic datasets, generating self-supervised features, performing feature enhancement, and assisting the Transformer-ML-CNN-BiLSTM network in completing subsequent classification tasks.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Overall model diagram of AE-transformer-ML-CNN-BiLSTM-AE

3.1 Expansion of minority training data

The GAN sampling model has unique advantages in handling class imbalanced data. This article combines Wasserstein GAN with Gradient Penalty (WGAN-GP) with Conditional GAN (CGAN) and proposes the GAN-Cross sampling method. The cross-layer is used as the subnet structure of GAN-Cross, automatically learning the interactive weights and feature combinations of higher-order features, achieving fast convergence of the model, greatly improving the generation and generalization capabilities of the model.

Previous studies have shown that deep neural networks (DNN) can implicitly and automatically learn the relationships between feature variables, but the efficiency of feature interaction learning is low. With the increase in the number of network layers, DNN has the risk of gradient disappearance and overfitting, so it is very easy to fall into local optimization and cannot obtain the logical information between input data. To better model the relationship between feature variables, this article adds a cross-layer in the generator and discriminator.

The crossover layer can explicitly learn the relationships between feature variables, and when combined with DNN, it can obtain effective explicit and implicit feature crossover. It can automatically learn the interactive weights and feature combinations of higher-order features, without the need for manual feature engineering or traversal search, which has better expression ability in bounded feature intersections.

The network structure of the GAN-Cross model for class imbalanced data sampling proposed in this article is shown in Fig. 2, where \(\otimes\) represents cross-operations.

Fig. 2
figure 2

GAN-cross model network structure

The GAN-Cross model uses DNN as a hidden layer to capture highly nonlinear relationships between data. Take the randomly generated hidden space noise \(z\) and the corresponding class label \(y\) as the input of the generator, passing through the cross-layers \({\text{layer}}_{{1}}\), \({\text{layer}}_{{2}}\),……, \({\text{layer}}_{n}\) and hidden layers \(H_{1}\), \(H_{2}\),……, \(H_{n}\) in parallel. Connect the output of the hidden layer and the cross-layer as the output of the generator.

The cross-operation is shown in formula (1).

$$x_{l + 1} = x_{0} x_{l}^{T} w_{l} + b_{l} + x_{l}$$

where \(x_{l} ,x_{l + 1} \in R^{d}\) represents the outputs of the \(l\) and \(l + 1\) layers of the cross-network, respectively. \(x_{0} \in R^{d}\) represents the initial layer containing first-order original features, usually set as the input layer. \(w_{l} ,b_{l} \in R^{d}\) represents the weight matrix and bias term learned by the pendulum. In the generator, the crossover layer introduces random noise, which improves the diversity of generated samples. In the discriminator, the cross-layer improves the discriminant performance and can effectively capture the cross-features of the data.

After connecting the outputs of the hidden layer and the cross-layer, the discriminator obtains the probability prediction value through the activation function, as shown in Formula (2).

$$p = {\text{sigmoid}}(W_{{{\text{logit}}}} x_{{{\text{comb}}}} + b_{{{\text{logit}}}} )$$

where \(x_{{{\text{comb}}}}\) represents the output of the generator, \(W_{{{\text{logit}}}}\) is the weight matrix, and \(b_{{{\text{logit}}}}\) is the bias term.

The loss function is a cross-entropy loss function with regular terms, as shown in Formula (3).

$${\text{loss}} = - \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i = 1} {y_{i} \log (p_{i} )} + (1 - y_{i} )\log (1 - p_{i} ) + \lambda \sum\limits_{l} {||w_{l} ||^{2} }$$

where \(p_{i}\) is the probability value calculated by formula (2), \(N\) is the number of inputs, \(y_{i}\) is the sample label, and \(\lambda\) is the L2 regularization coefficient.

GAN-Cross is used to generate data for fewer attack types in the training data, by expanding within categories, the specific steps are as follows:

Step 1 Firstly, separate the real datasets separately.

Step 2 128-dimensional data are converted to 12 × 12 matrix vectors according to the input format requirements of the GAN-Cross model, and the remaining 16 dimensions are supplemented with 0.

Step 3 A 144-dimensional noise data with a value range of [− 1, 1] is given into the generative model, and the generated false data will be mixed with the separated real data to train the discriminator.

Step 4 The training iteration of the discriminative model is carried out according to the set number of iterations until the discriminant result is optimal. At this time, the parameters of the discriminative model are fixed, and the discriminant result will be feedbacked to the generative model.

Step 5 The training iteration of the generative model is conducted according to the set number of iterations until the judgment result is the worst. At this time, the parameters of the generative model are fixed, and this process is continued to iterate until the GAN-Cross model is balanced.

Step 6 The generated few column samples are used to expand the original data, reorganizing the expanded samples into 144-dimensional features, and only the first 128-dimensional data is extracted as the extended samples to obtain a balanced training dataset.

3.2 Auto-Encoder enhancement

The Auto-Encoder 1 for data enhancement and the Auto-Encoder 2 for feature enhancement use the same model structure, consisting of an input layer, a full connection layer, a batch regularization layer, and an output layer [27]. The specific model structure of AE is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Structural diagram of auto-encoder model

Each fully connected layer is followed by a batch regularization layer. For simplified representation, the batch regularization layer is not shown in the figure.

3.3 Transformer-encoder module

The original model structure of Transformer includes two parts: encoding and decoding. Due to the specific needs of NIDS tasks and the fixed length features of each data in the dataset, this model only uses the encoding part of Transformer, and fine-tuning some of its parameters [28]. This section includes a multi-head attention mechanism and a feedforward neural network.

The attention mechanism uses dot product attention, which has three inputs: query, keys, and values. Use query and keys to calculate the weight score assigned to each value, and then calculate the weighted sum of the weight and values to obtain the output. Using dot product attention can perform parallel operations, reducing training time [29].

The calculation formula is as follows:

$${\text{Attention}}(Q,K,V) = {\text{soft}}\max \left(\frac{{QK^{T} }}{{\sqrt {d_{{\text{k}}} } }}\right)V$$

In the formula, \(Q\), \(K\) and \(V\) respectively represent the three matrices of Query, Key, and Value, and \(d_{{\text{k}}}\) is the dimension of Key.

Due to the features of the input data in this experiment, the Mask part of the original model is omitted. Aiming to enrich the extracted features, this article uses the structure of multiple attention.

The formula (5) for calculating multiple attention is as follows:

$$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {Q_{i} = QW_{i}^{Q} ,K_{i} = KW_{i}^{K} ,V_{i} = KW_{i}^{V} } \hfill \\ {{\text{head}}_{i} = {\text{Attention}}(Q_{i} ,K_{i} ,V_{i} )} \hfill \\ {{\text{MultiHead}}(Q,K,V) = {\text{Concat}}({\text{head}}_{1} , \ldots ,{\text{head}}_{i} )W^{0} } \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

The feedforward neural network part is a perceptron with only one hidden layer, and its input and output dimensions are the same.

Due to the weak nonlinear mapping ability of a single hidden layer network, and considering the balance between computational complexity and mapping ability, this paper sets the number of hidden layer neural units to be twice that of the input layer [30, 31].

Using the Gaussian error linear unit activation function \({\text{Gelu}}\) as the activation function increases randomness compared to RELU. The formula is shown in (6).

$${\text{Gelu}}(u) = 1/2u(1 + \tanh \sqrt {{\raise0.7ex\hbox{$2$} \!\mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {2 \pi }}\right.\kern-0pt} \!\lower0.7ex\hbox{$\pi $}}} (u + 0.44715u^{3} ))$$

The entire Transformer Encoder module structure is shown in Fig. 4. This section uses residual connections to prevent gradient disappearance.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Transformer-encoder module

3.4 ML-CNN

ML-CNN is used to detect network attack behavior. The main feature extraction part of the model consists of modules based on the Inception V3 network.

The Inception-based module M-Module is shown in Fig. 5 below:

Fig. 5
figure 5

Multiscale convolution module M-module

In the convolution module M-Module, convolution modules with different scales are used to optimize the model and reduce the number of parameters in the model. However, in the module, the same convolution channel number is also used to unify the model to achieve optimal fusion of feature maps. The parameters settings of the ML-CNN are listed in Table 1.

Table 1 ML-CNN composition and parameters

In ML-CNN, three M-Module modules are used, and the depth of the three module filters gradually increased. An average pooling layer is added after the last M-Module module to reduce the size of the feature map. Subsequently, the feature map is mapped to a tensor with a size of 1*1*D through the GAP layer, and it is transformed into a format that conforms to the input of the BiLSTM layer through the Reshape layer. Then, the sequence features will be extracted by inputting them into the BiLSTM layer.

3.5 BiLSTM for time series feature extraction

LSTM is used to process temporal information and settle the issues of gradient explosion and gradient disappearance in RNN structures. It can store valuable information and discard redundant memory [32, 33].

BiLSTM contains all the forward and backward information, and its structure is shown in Fig. 6 [34].

Fig. 6
figure 6

Model diagram of BiLSTM

The input layer Input inputs input data into the forward network Forward and reverse network Backward, respectively, and it performs splicing processing on the output of the network. This article uses the last output of forward and reverse to splice as the input of the next layer, and it sets an input dimension that is twice the output dimension to minimize the complexity of the model [35].

3.6 Detection process

For the proposed NIDS method based on self-supervised feature enhancement, the detection process is shown in Fig. 7.

  1. (1)

    Perform data pre-processing on intrusion detection dataset, including symbolic feature digitization, outlier processing and normalization processing

    1. (1)

      To facilitate model training, it is necessary to digitize the three symbol features in the dataset, namely converting the type, service and flag into digital feature representations. After unique encoding, the above features are converted into 3, 70, and 11 numerical features, respectively. Adding the original 38 numerical features, the original 41-dimensional feature is transformed into 122 dimensional after numerical processing.

    2. (2)

      The outlier of interquartile range (IQR) outlier processing refers to the value that is significantly different from other values in the data, and its existence is often unavoidable. In the dataset, extreme data that is too large or too small are all outlier, which may affect the analysis results. Especially in the classification prediction, those outliers need to be handled carefully. Most researchers only use numerical and normalization in the pre-processing of intrusion detection datasets, ignoring the processing of outlier. Therefore, before data normalization, data analysis was conducted on 38 numerical features. To avoid the impact of outlier on the detection results, outlier should be processed.

      $${\text{IQR}} = Q_{3} - Q_{1}$$
      $${\text{OF}} = Q_{3} + 1.5{\text{IQR}}$$
Fig. 7
figure 7

Detection process

For the flow, the interquartile outlier processing method is used. The specific algorithm flow is as follows: first, calculate the first quartile Q1 and the third fourth quantile Q3 of all data of this feature, and calculate the interquartile IQR according to formula (7); then calculate the outlier boundary OF from Eq. (8); finally, process the features according to the algorithm shown in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1: Treatment of interquartile outlier.

figure a

The dataset after standardization and Interquartile range Outlier processing is subject to Min Max Scaling according to formula (9), and the values are normalized to 0 ~ 1:

$$x^{\prime} = \frac{{x - x_{\max } }}{{x_{\max } - x_{\min } }}$$

where \(x_{\max }\) is the maximum value of the sample data, \(x_{\min }\) is the minimum value of the sample data, and \(x^{\prime}\) is the normalized data.

  1. (2).

    Use Auto-Encoder 1 to enhance the data of attack samples.

The multi-dimensional features of attack class samples in the training set after data preprocessing are input into the depth Auto-Encoder 1, and the reconstructed sample \(\hat{x}_{i}\) is output. Then, the data distribution of \(x_{i}\) and \(\hat{x}_{i}\) through log_softmax classifier and softmax classifier is \(p_{1} (x_{i} )\) and \(q_{1} (x_{i} )\) respectively.

$$D_{kl} = \sum\limits_{i}^{{}} {p_{1} (x_{i} )\log \frac{{p_{1} (x_{i} )}}{{q_{1} (x_{i} )}}}$$
$${\text{MSE}} = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i}^{{}} {(x_{i} - \hat{x}_{i} )^{2} }$$
$$L_{1} = 0.5{\text{MSE}} + 0.5D_{kl}$$

Use the above user-defined Loss function \(L_{1}\) combined with KL divergence and MSE loss as the evaluation standard to conduct 500 rounds of iterative pre training to obtain the final training set.

  1. (3)

    ML-CNN-BiLSTM and Auto-Encoder 2 is used to extract high-dimensional traffic features and self-monitoring features, respectively.

Firstly, convert the multidimensional features of each sample in the final training set into traffic spatial features extracted from the ML-CNN network. And the temporal features are extracted by BiLSTM through the fully connected layer, finally outputting high-dimensional traffic features. Then, the final training set features are inputted into the Auto-Encoder 2 to complete the subsequent classification task. Finally, high-dimensional traffic features and self-monitoring features are combined to obtain the final feature after feature enhancement, which is input into the network for prediction classification.

The self-supervised feature generated by the feature \(x_{i}^{\prime }\) of the final training set through the depth Auto-Encoder 2 is recorded as \(\hat{x}_{i}^{\prime }\), then the data distribution of \(x_{i}^{\prime }\) and \(\hat{x}_{i}^{\prime }\) through the log_softmax classifier and softmax classifier is, respectively

$$D^{\prime}_{kl} = \sum\limits_{i}^{{}} {p_{1} (x_{i}^{\prime } )\log \frac{{p_{1} (x_{i}^{\prime } )}}{{q_{1} (x_{i}^{\prime } )}}}$$
$$L_{c} = - \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{{}} {[y_{i} \log (p_{i} ) + (1 - y_{i} )\log (1 - p_{i} )]}$$
$$L_{2} = 0.8L_{c} + 0.2D^{\prime}_{kl}$$

where \(L_{c}\) refers to the loss of Cross-entropy between the predicted classification value and the real category; \(y_{i}\) represents the label of sample \(L_{c}\), with an attack value of 1 and a normal value of 0; \(p_{i} (x)\) refers to the probability of sample \(i\) being predicted as an attack class.

Using the above user-defined Loss function combining KL divergence and Cross-entropy loss input as the evaluation criteria, the semi self-supervised model is iteratively trained to update the model parameters.

4) Finally, input the test set into the trained model to test its performance.

4 Experimental analysis

To present the best experimental simulation analysis, the proposed AETMLCBAE model is implemented using Python scripts, and the in-depth learning open source framework PyTorch is tested. The main experimental configuration is listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Experimental environment

4.1 Dataset

The experimental data of NIDS mainly uses two datasets: KDDCUP99 and NSL KDD. These two datasets are the publicly available datasets. However, it should be noted that due to their relatively remote datasets, they cannot fully reflect the complex network traffic features of today. This article uses the UNSW-NB15 dataset as experimental data [36].

To ensure the accuracy of the experimental results, 1.51424 × 105 pieces of training data and 7.3021 × 104 pieces of test data were randomly selected from the UNSW-NB15 dataset. The specific flow ratios are shown in Table 3.

Table 3 UNSW-NB15 sample dataset

4.2 Evaluation indicators

Because of the imbalance between dataset attack traffic and normal data, multiple indicators will be used for evaluation, namely accuracy, accuracy, recall rate, and \(F1 - {\text{score}}\).

The specific calculation method is shown in formulas (16)–(19), and the meanings of relevant symbols in the formula are shown in Table 4.

$${\text{Accuracy = }}\frac{{\text{TP + TN}}}{{\text{TP + FP + TN + FN}}}$$
$${\text{Precision = }}\frac{{{\text{TP}}}}{{\text{TP + PF}}}$$
$${\text{Recall = }}\frac{{{\text{TP}}}}{{\text{TP + FN}}}$$
$$F1 - {\text{score}} = 2 \times \frac{{{\text{Precision}} \times {\text{Recall}}}}{{{\text{Precision}} + {\text{Recall}}}}$$
Table 4 Confusion matrix

4.3 Model training

4.3.1 Loss training for model generators and discriminators

This article takes DoS attack samples as an example to verify the convergence performance of the proposed model. The loss function changes of the corresponding generators and discriminators of the GAN-Cross model is listed in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Generator loss curve

In Fig. 8, the number of training times reaches about 25, and the losses of the generator and discriminator begin to converge, achieving optimal algorithm performance.

4.3.2 Changes in loss values for different learning rates on training sets and test sets

The initial learning rate can directly affect the global optimization of the algorithm model, so this paper also conducts corresponding research on it.

Figure 9 shows the change of loss values in training sets and test sets under different learning rates.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison experiments with different learning rates

In Fig. 9, when the learning rate is 0.001, the AETMLCBAE model cannot be fitted on. When the learning rate is 0.005 or 0.01, the AETMLCBAE model can fit well on the training set, but the fitting effect is better when the learning rate is 0.005 on the test set than when the learning rate is 0.01. Therefore, 0.005 is selected as the training learning rate of the AETMLCBAE model.

4.3.3 Changes in loss values for different dropouts on training sets and test sets

Meanwhile, this article also conducts model sensitivity analysis on the dropout parameters. Figure 10 shows the corresponding model performance analysis diagram.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Comparison experiments under different dropouts

In Fig. 10, when the dropout is 0.09, the model cannot fully learn the data features due to too many discarded network elements during training, resulting in a poor effect in reducing the loss value. When the dropout is 0.01 or 0.05, there are varying degrees of overfitting after a certain training era. However, when dropout is 0.05, the model performs better on the test set than when dropout is set to 0.04. The problem of over fitting can also be avoided by early termination of training. In summary, the AETMLCBAE model selects 0.005 as the dropout value.

5 Results and discussion

To verify the results advantages of the AETMLCBAE model, TMLCB and AETMLCB were first used as comparative methods for ablation simulation experiments.

Further, Q-learning [15], TCNN [22] and MCRNN [23] are used as comparative methods for experimental verification of algorithm optimization. All NIDS methods run separately in the same environment. The test content includes the analysis and research of algorithm analysis performance and algorithm model efficiency.

5.1 Ablation experiment

Firstly, this article demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of introducing the GAN-Cross model and compares and analyzes the experimental results without data sample expansion with the experimental results of introducing the GAN-Cross model, which are listed in Table 5.

Table 5 Experimental analysis results under different data processing methods

From Table 5, with the introduction of the GAN-Cross model, the experimental indicator results have significantly improved, and the accuracy of identifying attack types has increased by 0.022. The reason for the improvement in NIDS performance is that the GAN-Cross model introduces the ability to explicitly learn the relationships between feature variables, automatically learn the interaction weights and feature combinations of higher-order features, and improve the diversity of generated samples; in the GAN-Cross model discriminator, the cross-layer effectively captures the cross-features of the data, improving the discriminant performance.

The experimental analysis results of different NIDS models on UNSW-NB15 are listed in Table 6.

Table 6 Experimental analysis performance of different algorithms

In Table 6, the accuracy and F1 scores of traditional TMLCB intrusion algorithms are 0.895 and 0.865. The AETMLCB accuracy and F1 scores after AE data enhancement are 0.903 and 0.872.

Further, the accuracy and F1 scores of the AETMLCBAE model combined with the two methods have reached 0.921 and 0.884, with the most significant improvement. Data enhancement and self-supervised feature enhancement can significantly improve the accuracy.

5.2 Comparison and analysis of algorithm performance

The analysis performance of different NIDS algorithms is shown in Table 7.

Table 7 Experimental analysis performance of different NIDS algorithms

In Table 7, the proposed AETMLCBAE model can achieve the best performance. The reason for this is that the UNSW-NB15 dataset is relatively complex and diverse, and the imbalance between normal traffic and intrusion traffic is more prominent. Q-learning, TCNN and MCRNN intrusion algorithm cannot fully extract data features from data sample sets, while the GAN-Cross is used firstly in proposed AETMLCBAE to expand data samples to eliminate class imbalance issues. In addition, TCNN model can well extract the deep features, but it can not effectively extract the time series features. Although the MCRNN model can balance deep level features and time series features, it lacks a powerful feature encoder. In the proposed AETMLCBAE, the powerful encoding ability of Transformer can effectively represent the relationship between traffic, while ML-CNN and BiLSTM can extract deep and temporal features of traffic, respectively. At the same time, both the data and features are enhanced by Auto-Encoder, improving the model generalization ability for different attack traffics. Therefore, the AETMLCBAE can achieve better results.

To verify the generalization ability of several deep learning models for different types of attack traffic, a group of comparative experiments were designed using the UNSW-NB15 dataset for comparative experiments, the results of which are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Experimental analysis results under different network traffic types

In Table 8, compared to other comparative models, the proposed AETMLCBAE has got better detection performance for various network traffic, especially in the four types of network traffic: Fuzzers, Shellcode, Backdoor, and Analysis.

Due to the introduction of the GAN-Cross method, it can effectively alleviate the imbalance of data samples and enhance the detection model's ability to distinguish and analyze network traffic types. Taking Fuzzers type network traffic verification as an example, the accuracy of AETMLCBAE is 0.936, which is 0.020, 0.025 and 0.021 higher than the Q-learning, TCNN and MCRNN intrusion algorithm, respectively.

5.3 Comparison and analysis of algorithm efficiency

Aiming to verify the computational efficiency of AETMLCBAE, Q-learning intrusion algorithm, TCNN intrusion algorithm and MCRNN intrusion algorithm are selected as comparison methods to verify the computational overhead of NIDS. Figure 11 shows a comparison diagram of calculation overhead analysis under different methods.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Comparison of detection time under different sample numbers

In Fig. 11, with the number of test samples increases, the detection time of AETMLCBAE is less than that of the compared intrusion algorithms, and the time difference gradually increases. The application of the GAN-Cross model effectively balances the data sample set, enabling the detection model to be supported by reliable data analysis. At the same time, BiLSTM can achieve effective sequential feature extraction for data, helping the model to quickly establish a decision analysis database. When facing many test sample datasets, there is a clear speed advantage. When the number of test samples reaches 5000, the detection time of AETMLCBAE is 3.98 s, while the detection time of Q-learning algorithm, TCNN input algorithm, and MCRNN algorithm is 6.48 s, 7.58 s, and 7.62 s, respectively.

6 Conclusion

Aiming to improve the efficiency of NIDS models in analyzing complex and diverse network traffic, a NIDS algorithm used by the fusion of multiple deep network models are proposed. Simulation experiments show that the proposed AETMLCBAE network intrusion algorithm can achieve accurate identification of different network traffic types, which has good application value for ensuring the stable operation of the network. Three meaningful summaries are as follows:

  1. (1)

    The application of the GAN-Cross model effectively balances the problem of imbalanced data sample sets, enabling the detection model to receive reliable data analysis support.

  2. (2)

    Because of the optimized ML-CNN-BiLSTM network model, parallel computing and analysis of network traffic are implemented to improve the ability of state analysis.

  3. (3)

    By combining data enhancement and self-supervised feature enhancement, the deep feature extraction ability of the NIDS model is improved, and the generalization ability of the detection model is effectively enhanced.

The limitation of this article lies in the complexity of ML-CNN-BiLSTM and the large number of training parameters, which will greatly increase the time required for model convergence. The next research direction is to consider simplifying the network structure, reducing network parameters to improve the performance of deep learning architectures, and comprehensively improving the detection accuracy of different types of network attacks.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Change history



Network intrusion detection system


Generic adversarial network


Generic adversarial network with cross-layer


Wasserstein GAN with gradient penalty


Conditional generic adversarial network


Deep neural networks


Long short-term memory




Transformer-ML-CNN BiLSTM network


Transformer-ML-CNN-BiLSTM with data enhancement Auto-Encoder (AE)


Transformer-ML-CNN-BiLSTM with data enhancement Auto-Encoder (AE) and self-supervised feature enhancement Auto-Encoder


Multiscale convolutional neural networks


Bidirectional long short-term memory


Principal component analysis


Triple convolutional neural network


Combined the multi-classifier and recursive neural networks


Deep recurrent neural network


Regional adaptive composite oversampling algorithm


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XZL contributed to conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, visualization, and writing—original draft; LXW contributed to resources, validation, and visualization. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Xiang, Z., Li, X. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Fusion of transformer and ML-CNN-BiLSTM for network intrusion detection. J Wireless Com Network 2023, 71 (2023).

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