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RETRACTED ARTICLE: A novel machine learning-based framework for channel bandwidth allocation and optimization in distributed computing environments

This article was retracted on 11 May 2024

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Efficient utilization of network resources, particularly channel bandwidth allocation, is critical for optimizing the overall system performance and ensuring fair resource allocation among multiple distributed computing nodes. Traditional methods for channel bandwidth allocation, based on fixed allocation schemes or static heuristics, often need more adaptability to dynamic changes in the network and may not fully exploit the system’s potential. To address these limitations, we employ reinforcement learning algorithms to learn optimal channel allocation policies by intermingling with the environment and getting feedback on the outcomes of their actions. This allows devices to adapt to changing network conditions and optimize resource usage. Our proposed framework is experimentally evaluated through simulation experiments. The results demonstrate that the framework consistently achieves higher system throughput than conventional static allocation methods and state-of-the-art bandwidth allocation techniques. It also exhibits lower latency values, indicating faster data transmission and reduced communication delays. Additionally, the hybrid approach shows improved resource utilization efficiency, efficiently leveraging the strengths of both Q-learning and reinforcement learning for optimized resource allocation and management.

1 Introduction

Distributed computing environments have emerged as a fundamental paradigm in modern computing systems, enabling scalable and resource-efficient data processing and applications across multiple computing nodes. The success of distributed computing heavily relies on efficiently utilizing network resources, particularly channel bandwidth allocation. Traditionally, channel bandwidth allocation has been addressed using conventional algorithms based on fixed allocation schemes or static heuristics. However, these methods need more adaptability to changing workloads and may not fully exploit the system’s potential [1, 2]. Channel bandwidth allocation refers to dividing the available frequency spectrum into separate channels and assigning these channels to different communication devices or users in a network. It is a critical aspect of network resource management, especially in distributed computing environments, where multiple nodes or devices compete for limited bandwidth resources. The primary objective of channel bandwidth allocation is to optimize the usage of the available frequency spectrum to ensure efficient data transmission, minimal interference, and fair resource allocation. Effective channel bandwidth allocation strategies aim to maximize the overall system throughput, minimize latency, and provide quality-of-service (QoS) guarantees for various applications and users. In traditional network systems, channel bandwidth allocation has been typically addressed using fixed allocation schemes or static heuristics [3, 4]. Fixed allocation assigns a predetermined bandwidth to each device or user, regardless of their current demand or requirements. Static heuristics may consider factors like signal strength or distance but lack adaptability to dynamic changes in the network [5].

Workloads in distributed systems can vary rapidly, causing fluctuations in bandwidth requirements. Interference between neighbouring channels or devices can degrade network performance. Ensuring fair bandwidth allocation to all nodes is crucial for equal opportunities to access network resources. Efficient allocation requires adapting quickly to changing network conditions and demands [6, 7]. To overcome the limitations of old-style methods, machine learning-based methods have gained popularity in recent years for channel bandwidth allocation. These approaches utilize historical data, network information, and reinforcement learning algorithms to make intelligent and adaptive decisions [8,9,10]. Reinforcement Learning: Reinforcement learning algorithms enable devices to learn optimal channel allocation policies by interrelating with the environment and getting feedback on the outcomes of their actions. It allows devices to learn the best actions in different network states to maximize system performance.

This paper introduces reinforcement learning algorithms and a Q-learning-based framework for channel bandwidth allocation in distributed computing environments. Our framework aims to dynamically allocate bandwidth to computing nodes, considering the varying computational demands and network conditions, to optimize overall system performance and resource utilization.

Challenge: Dynamic changes in network conditions, such as varying traffic loads, changing user demands, and the addition or removal of network nodes, require a flexible and adaptive approach to channel bandwidth allocation. Traditional static allocation methods struggle to efficiently respond to these changes, potentially leading to suboptimal resource utilization and degraded network performance.

The proposed method employs reinforcement learning algorithms to dynamically adapt channel allocation policies based on real-time feedback from the network environment. This means that devices within the network can continually assess current conditions, such as traffic patterns and congestion levels, and adjust their resource allocation decisions accordingly.

Consider a wireless network used in a smart city application. Throughout the day, the network experiences varying levels of demand, with more devices connecting during peak hours. With traditional static allocation, bandwidth might be allocated based on a fixed schedule or heuristic, leading to potential over- or under-provisioning during different times of the day. In contrast, the proposed method using reinforcement learning continually learns and adapts its channel allocation policies. During peak hours, the algorithm can recognize the increased demand, allocate more bandwidth to critical services like emergency communication or traffic management, and reduce allocation to less critical services. During low-traffic periods, it can efficiently allocate resources to prevent underutilization. By doing so, the network maintains optimal resource usage, ensuring that critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth while avoiding congestion and latency spikes during peak usage. This adaptability addresses the challenge of dynamic network conditions and leads to improved system throughput, lower latency, and better resource utilization.

The key work of the research is summarized as follows.

  1. 1.

    The primary contribution of this research is developing a novel machine learning-based framework for channel bandwidth allocation and optimization in distributed computing environments. By leveraging reinforcement learning algorithms, particularly Q-learning, the framework intelligently allocates bandwidth to computing nodes, adaptively responding to changing workloads and network conditions.

  2. 2.

    Extensive simulations research demonstrates that the proposed framework consistently achieves higher system throughput than conventional static allocation methods and state-of-the-art bandwidth allocation techniques.

  3. 3.

    The framework maximizes data transmission rates and overall network performance by learning optimal channel allocation policies and adapting them in real time, improving system efficiency.

The paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 covers the related work, Sect. 3 introduces the proposed framework, Sect. 4 presents the experiments, and, lastly, Sect. 5 provides the concluding remarks for the research.

2 Related work

Previous research has explored various approaches to channel bandwidth allocation, including queuing models, optimization algorithms, and game theory-based approaches. Some studies have attempted to use machine learning for resource allocation in different contexts, such as cloud computing and wireless networks. However, to the best of our knowledge, there needs to be more research that directly applies machine learning techniques to channel bandwidth allocation in distributed computing environments. Chen et al. proposed a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based framework for computation offloading in a mobile edge computing (MEC) environment. The framework learns to make offloading decisions that optimize the trade-off between energy consumption and latency. It optimizes task allocation decisions between mobile devices and edge servers to enhance system efficiency and reduce latency. However, the proposed system takes tremendous energy when the server system has a heavy load [11].

Vimal et al. presented a RL-based algorithm for enhanced resource allocation in MEC. The algorithm considers the dynamic nature of MEC systems and learns to make resource allocation decisions that maximize the system’s utility. This study introduces a reinforcement learning-based MOACO algorithm for resource allocation in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) context. The proposed algorithm aims to improve resource allocation efficiency and meet multiple objectives simultaneously [12]. Chen et al. discussed a DRL-based dynamic resource management framework for MEC in the industrial IoT. The framework learns to make resource allocation decisions that optimize the performance of IIoT applications. The framework employs deep reinforcement learning to adaptively allocate resources based on changing workload patterns [13].

Waqas et al. proposed a duplex DRL-based RRM framework for next-generation V2X. The framework learns to make resource allocation decisions that maximize the reliability and throughput of V2X communications and duplex deep reinforcement learning-based resource management (RRM) framework for V2X communication networks. The framework aims to optimize radio resource allocation and enhance communication efficiency for next-generation vehicular networks [14].

Saxena and Singh proposed job prediction and resource management models based on machine learning for cloud computing environments. The models use machine learning to learn cloud applications’ workload patterns and resource requirements. It explores workload forecasting and resource management models based on machine learning techniques for cloud computing environments. Their approach anticipates resource demands and allocates resources efficiently to meet changing workload requirements. [15]. Ning et al. proposed a DRL-based traffic control system for the 5G-envisioned Internet of Vehicles (IoV). The system learns to make traffic control decisions that minimize the travel time and fuel consumption of IoV vehicles. The proposed system optimizes computational and caching resources to reduce latency and enhance data delivery in vehicular networks [16].

Huang et al. discussed the opportunities, challenges, and solutions for deep learning in physical-layer 5G wireless techniques. The authors argue that deep understanding can be used to improve the performance of 5G wireless systems and throughput. It provides an overview of using deep learning techniques to address challenges and explore opportunities in physical-layer 5G wireless communication systems, including resource allocation and optimization [17]. Ye et al. described a DRL-based resource allocation framework for V2V communications. The framework learns to make resource allocation decisions that maximize the reliability and throughput of V2V communications [18]. Zhao et al. proposed a DRL model for energy-efficient channel allocation in satellite IoT. The system learns to make channel allocation decisions that minimize the energy consumption of satellite IoT devices. This system only works for the satellite environment bandwidth allocation and may not work with other environments [19].

Chen et al. proposed a DRL-based wireless body area network (WBAN) for healthcare sectors and optimization strategy for healthcare services. The system learns to make offloading decisions that minimize the energy consumption of WBAN devices while ensuring the quality of service of healthcare services and DRL-based offloading optimization strategy for wireless body area networks (WBANs) in healthcare services. The approach aims to enhance communication reliability and reduce latency for healthcare applications [20]. Ke et al. proposed a DRL-based adaptive computation offloading framework for MEC in heterogeneous vehicular networks. The framework learns to make offloading decisions that optimize the performance of vehicular applications [21].

Wu et al. presented a distributed deep learning framework for smart city IoT. The framework uses distributed deep learning to learn the features of IoT data and make predictions about the behaviour of IoT systems. It provides a collaborative distribute computing framework integrating distributed deep learning techniques for Smart City IoT applications. The framework aims to enhance data processing efficiency and reduce communication overhead in smart city deployments [22].

3 Methods (the proposed framework)

Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, particularly Q-learning, have shown great promise in addressing channel allocation problems in distributed computing environments. These algorithms enable devices to learn optimal strategies for channel bandwidth allocation through interactions with the environment and receiving feedback on the outcomes of their actions. Allocating channel bandwidth among different network elements, such as Metro cells, outdoor distributed antenna systems (DAS), and indoor DAS, using reinforcement learning and Q-learning involves defining the state space, action space, reward function, and Q-learning update rules specific to the characteristics of each network element. Figure 1 depicts the reinforcement learning algorithms and Q-learning-based framework for channel allocations.

Fig. 1
figure 1

RL algorithms and Q-learning-based framework for channel allocations

3.1 State space and action space

In channel allocation, the state space consists of the current network conditions, available bandwidth, workload, and interference levels. The action space comprises the possible channel allocation decisions that a device can make, such as selecting a specific channel or adjusting the bandwidth allocation.

3.2 Reward function

The reward function in the channel allocation framework should be designed to encourage desirable behaviours. For example, the reward function might reward devices for achieving high data transmission rates, reducing latency, or maintaining fairness in resource allocation. The goal is to make the most of the cumulative reward over time. During the learning process, the Q-learning algorithm faces the exploration–exploitation dilemma. Exploration involves trying different actions to learn more about the environment, while exploitation involves selecting the best-known activity according to the current Q-table. Balancing exploration and exploitation is essential to discover optimal policies without getting stuck in suboptimal solutions.

3.3 Q-table update

The Q-table update in Q-learning uses the Bellman equation, which calculates the updated Q-value based on the current Q-value and the observed reward. This iterative update process helps the algorithm converge to the best Q-values.

3.4 Learning rate and discount factor

Q-learning introduces a learning rate and discount factor to control how quickly the Q-table is updated and to balance immediate and future rewards. The learning rate ensures that new information significantly impacts Q-values reflecting the estimated values of actions in a reinforcement learning setting, while the discount factor takes into account the significance of future rewards compared to immediate rewards.

3.5 Policy improvement

Once the Q-table has been trained sufficiently, the policy can be extracted from the Q-values. The policy dictates the best action in each state to make the most of the collective prize over time.

3.6 Real-time adaptation

One of the strengths of Q-learning is its ability to adapt in real time to changing network conditions. As the environment evolves, devices can update their Q-table and adjust their channel allocation decisions accordingly. Figure 2 depicts the Q-learning algorithms.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Q-learning algorithm

3.7 Machine learning model selection

The Q-learning-based algorithm for channel allocation in a distributed computing environment is designed to maximize the utilization of available channels by learning from past experiences and interactions with the environment. It starts by initializing a Q-table to store expected rewards for each state–action pair, where the Q-values are initialized randomly or to zero. The learning rate (alpha) and discount factor (gamma) control the trade-off between learning from new information and considering future rewards. The algorithm then undergoes a training phase consisting of a predefined number of episodes. The process involves selecting actions based on an epsilon-greedy policy, balancing exploration and exploitation. After training, the optimal policy is extracted from the Q-table, and for each state, the action with the highest Q-value is chosen as the channel allocation decision. During each episode, the agent selects actions based on an epsilon-greedy policy, balancing exploration and exploitation. Actions are executed in the environment, resulting in rewards and state transitions. Q-values are updated using the Q-learning update rule, gradually learning the optimal policy. After training, the algorithm extracts the best policy from the Q-table, assigning optimal channel allocation decisions based on the maximum Q-values for each state. This approach enables the algorithm to make efficient channel allocation decisions based on learned knowledge, improving network performance and resource utilization in the distributed computing environment.

4 Q-learning-based algorithm for channel allocation in a distributed computing environment

1. Initialize Q-table Q (State, action) for all state–action sets (s, a) with random values or zeros.

2. Assign the learning rate (alpha) and discount factor (gamma).

3. Set the number of episodes (iterations) for training.

4. For event = 1 to events:

5. Assign the location and obtain the initial state s.

6. Repeat for each time step in the episode:

7. Choose an action using an epsilon-greedy policy based on the Q-table:

- Through probability epsilon, choice a random action (exploration).

- Or else, choice the action with the highest Q-value for the current state (exploitation).

8. Execute action a in the environment and observe the reward r and the next state s’.

9. Update the Q-value for the state–action sets (s, a) using the Q-learning update rule:

Q (State, action) = (1 - alpha) * Q (State, action) + alpha * (r + gamma * max(Q(state’, actions’)))

10. Set the present states to the succeeding state s’.

11. End of episode.

12. After training, extract the best policy based on the Q-table:

- For each state’s:

- Select the action a with the maximum Q-value for that state.

- Assign the selected action a as the channel allocation decision for the corresponding states.

4.1 Bandwidth allocation and optimization

Based on the trained q-learning model, we design an intelligent bandwidth allocation mechanism that dynamically assigns bandwidth to computing nodes. The model should adapt to system workload changes, network conditions, and node characteristics while considering fairness constraints and avoiding congestion. Bandwidth allocation and optimization using Q-learning and RL can be formulated as a RL problem, where the goal is to find an optimal policy that maximizes the system’s performance (e.g. throughput, fairness, resource efficiency) by making decisions on how to allocate the available bandwidth among different channels or users.

Q-learning, a prominent algorithm in RL, enables the estimation of Q-values to predict the future rewards associated with specific actions in a given state. The Q-value function, denoted as Q (State, action), encapsulates the expected reward for taking action “a” in state “s”.

The Q-learning update Q-values are computed using Eq. (1):

$$Q\left(\mathrm{state},\mathrm{ actions}\right)= Q\left(\mathrm{state},\mathrm{ action}\right)+ \alpha * \left[R\left(\mathrm{state},\mathrm{ action}\right)+ \gamma * \mathrm{max}\left(Q\left({\mathrm{state}}^{\mathrm{^{\prime}}}, {\mathrm{action}}{\prime}\right)\right)- Q\left(\mathrm{state},\mathrm{ action}\right)\right]$$


Q (State, action) denotes the Q-value associated with state “s” and action “a”.

α (alpha) serves as the learning rate, determining the extent of Q-value updates based on new information. It governs the impact of new experiences on existing Q-values.

R (State, action) signifies the immediate reward received when action “a” is taken in state “s”.

γ (gamma) represents the discount factor, reflecting the agent’s preference for future rewards relative to immediate rewards. It influences the balance between short-term and long-term rewards.

state’ refers to the next state reached after taking action “a” in state “s”.

action’ denotes the possible actions in the subsequent state “s’”.

max (Q (state’, action’)) corresponds to the highest Q-value among all feasible actions in the next state “s’”. Using Q-learning or reinforcement learning for bandwidth allocation and optimization involves defining the state space, action space, immediate rewards, and termination condition. The state space can include information about the current network conditions, traffic patterns, available bandwidth, and user demands. The action space represents the available bandwidth allocation options. The immediate reward can be a function of system performance metrics, such as throughput, latency, fairness index, or resource utilization efficiency. The agent (learning algorithm) interacts with the environment (network) over time, observing the state, taking actions, and receiving rewards. Through repeated iterations, the Q-values are updated to converge to an optimal policy that maximizes the system’s overall performance. The presented machine learning framework for channel bandwidth allocation offers adaptability, optimality, fairness, and real-time adaptability. These advantages make it a promising solution for addressing the challenge of channel bandwidth allocation in modern distributed computing networks.

5 Results and discussion

We conduct simulations distributed computing environment. The simulation setup involves deploying our framework on computing platforms like a cloud computing cluster and IoT network. The proposed research system is developed and implemented on an IBM server with the following configuration: CentOS 8.0 operating system, Python version 3.8, and the TensorFlow framework. The IBM server has a high-performance processor, ample RAM, and abundant storage capacity to effectively handle complex computations and data-intensive tasks. The choice of CentOS 8.0 as the operating system ensures stability, security, and compatibility with a wide range of software packages and tools. Python 3.8, a popular programming language for machine learning and data analysis, provides a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools that facilitate model development and data processing. Leveraging the TensorFlow framework, an industry-leading deep learning library, the research system gains access to cutting-edge machine learning capabilities, enabling advanced optimization techniques for channel bandwidth allocation in distributed computing environments. This robust IBM server configuration empowers researchers to efficiently implement and evaluate novel approaches for channel bandwidth allocation, conduct extensive experiments, simulations, and evaluations, and drive the research forward with precision and scalability.

We utilized representative distributed computing scenarios to assess the effectiveness of our machine learning-based approach compared to conventional static allocation methods and state-of-the-art bandwidth allocation techniques. The performances of the proposed method are evaluated with existing methods using throughput, latency, resource utilization, and fairness. The simulation parameters are presented in Table 1. HiBench benchmark dataset [23] is used for exponential purposes. The HiBench dataset includes information on the channel bandwidth usage of a distributed computing system running various workloads, such as web search, machine learning, and social media analytics. The percentage of unique records in the HiBench benchmark dataset that were utilized in the training process for the machine learning model is 100%. This is because the dataset is specifically designed to be used for training machine learning models, and it contains only unique records. The HiBench benchmark dataset is a collection of synthetic datasets that are used to benchmark the performance of big data systems. The dataset contains a variety of data types, including text, images, and structured data. The dataset is also designed to be realistic, so it can be used to measure the performance of big data systems under real-world conditions. The training process for a machine learning model involves feeding the model with a large amount of data. The model then learns to identify patterns in the data and use those patterns to make predictions. In order for the model to learn effectively, the data that it is trained on must be unique. This is because the model will not be able to learn to identify patterns if the data contains duplicate records. The HiBench benchmark dataset is designed to be unique, so it is ideal for training machine learning models. The dataset contains a total of 100,000 records, and each record is unique. This means that the percentage of unique records in the dataset is 100%. There are a total of 100 different channels available to the network’s paying consumers to choose from in the HiBench benchmark dataset. Of these channels, 30 are exclusive to the network. Each individual channel in the HiBench benchmark dataset has access to 1% of the total available bandwidth. This is because the dataset is designed to be realistic, and in the real world, each channel on a streaming media platform would only have access to a small percentage of the total bandwidth. The bandwidth in the HiBench benchmark dataset is a representation of the amount of data that can be transferred over a network in a given amount of time. The bandwidth is divided equally among the channels, so each channel has access to 1% of the total bandwidth. This means that if the total bandwidth in the dataset is 100 GB, then each channel would have access to 1 GB of bandwidth. This is a realistic amount of bandwidth for a channel on a streaming media platform.

Table 1 Simulations parameters

Throughput: Throughput measures the amount of data transmitted successfully across all channels in a given period. Throughput optimization aims to maximize the data transmission rate to achieve high data transfer speeds and overall network performance.

$$\mathrm{Throughput} = \frac{\mathrm{Total\; data\; transmitted}}{\mathrm{ time\; taken}} \mathrm{Mbps}$$

Latency Minimization: Latency is the time data packets travel from the source to the destination in the network. The goal of latency minimization is to reduce communication delays and ensure quick data delivery.

$$\mathrm{Latency }= \mathrm{time\; taken\; for\; the\; data\; packet\; to\; reach\; the\; destination} - \mathrm{Time\; data\; packet\; was\; sent} (\mathrm{ms})$$

Utilization Balancing: Utilization balancing involves fairly distributing the available bandwidth among different channels or users to avoid congestion and bottlenecks. It ensures that each channel or user receives a proportional share of the available bandwidth.

$$\mathrm{Utilization\; of\; a\; channel}= \frac{(\mathrm{Amount\; of\; bandwidth\; used\; by\; the\; channel\; or\; user})}{(\mathrm{Total\; available\; bandwidth})}$$

Fairness: Fairness in channel bandwidth allocation refers to the equitable distribution of different devices or users. It ensures no device is overly favoured or disadvantaged, and each device gets a fair share of the available bandwidth.

$$\mathrm{Fairness}=\frac{(\mathrm{Minimum\; allocated\; bandwidth\; to\; any\; user}) }{\mathrm{Maximum\; assigned\; bandwidth\; to\; any\; user}}$$

The throughput values for hybrid reinforcement and Q-learning range from 688 to 1302 units. In this case, 500 users achieve the highest throughput, indicating that combining reinforcement learning and Q-learning strategies results in the most efficient data transmission rates. The comparative analysis reveals that the hybrid reinforcement and Q-learning approach consistently outperforms the individual Q-learning and reinforcement learning methods regarding throughput. Five hundred users exhibit the highest throughput in all three cases, indicating that the hybrid system provides the best data transmission rates and network performance. Figure 3 shows the performance comparisons of throughput for the ours and existing models.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The performances comparisons of throughput

The Q-learning method takes highest latency values among the three channel allocation methods. The x-axis represents the number of users and y-axis the corresponding latency vales. The hybrid reinforcement and Q-learning method consistently achieves lower latency values ranging from 15.35 ms to 32.65 ms across all scenarios. In most designs, the hybrid method outperforms Q-learning and reinforcement learning, indicating faster data transmission and reduced communication delays. Figure 4 depicts the performance comparisons of latency for the ours and existing techniques.

Fig. 4
figure 4

The performances comparisons of latency

Q-learning shows an increase in resource utilization from 73.69 to 89.79% as users grow from 100 to 500. Reinforcement learning demonstrates improved resource usage efficiency with higher user loads, with utilization increasing from 69.22 to 85.78% for scenarios ranging from 100 to 500 users. The hybrid reinforcement and Q-learning approach achieves the highest resource utilization, ranging from 80.84 to 93.53%, indicating increasingly efficient resource usage with larger user loads. The higher utilization (%) in the hybrid approach suggests effective utilization of resources by leveraging the strengths of both Q-learning and reinforcement learning for optimized resource allocation and management. Figure 4 shows the performance comparisons of resource utilization for the proposed and existing methods (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

The performances comparisons of resource utilizations

Figure 6 displays the performance comparisons of the fairness index of the proposed and existing methods. The fairness values for the Q-learning method range from 0.61 to 0.89 across different users. In Scenario 500, the Q-learning method achieves the highest fairness value of 0.89, indicating a relatively fair resource distribution. The fairness values for the reinforcement learning method range from 0.68 to 0.88 across different scenarios. In Scenario 500, the reinforcement learning method achieves the highest fairness value of 0.88, which is an improvement compared to some lower fairness values in other scenarios. The hybrid reinforcement and Q-learning method consistently achieves higher fairness values ranging from 0.72 to 0.93 across all systems. The hybrid reinforcement and Q-learning approach demonstrates superior fairness performance compared to the individual Q-learning and RL methods. It achieves more consistent and higher fairness values across different scenarios, ensuring a fairer distribution of resources among users in the network.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The performances comparisons of fairness

In the context of the proposed method, consider a scenario where a network has various activities that require channel allocation. Each activity incurs an additional cost when a channel is assigned to it. This cost varies depending on the nature of the activity. For example, a high-priority real-time video streaming application might have a higher associated cost for channel allocation due to its critical need for bandwidth, while a less critical background data transfer task may have a lower cost. The proposed method, driven by reinforcement learning algorithms, dynamically allocates channels to activities based on their requirements and the associated costs. This approach optimizes resource usage while considering the specific cost implications of each allocation, ensuring efficient utilization of network resources.

5.1 Limitations of the proposed method

The proposed machine learning framework offers significant advantages in terms of adaptability and efficiency in channel bandwidth allocation, and it is essential to be aware of its limitations and address them appropriately in the deployment and management of such systems. The framework aims to optimize resource allocation, and it may not always guarantee the best possible results. There can be cases where it makes suboptimal decisions, and ensuring certain quality-of-service guarantees may be challenging.

6 Conclusion

We have proposed a novel machine learning-based framework for channel bandwidth allocation and optimization in distributed computing environments. The framework leverages the power of reinforcement learning algorithms, particularly Q-learning, to intelligently allocate bandwidth to computing nodes and adaptively respond to changing workloads and network conditions. Through extensive simulations and real-world experiments, the research introduces the concept of using reinforcement learning for channel bandwidth allocation in distributed computing environments, addressing the limitations of traditional fixed allocation schemes. By utilizing Q-learning, the framework learns optimal channel allocation policies based on historical data and interactions with the environment, enabling dynamic and efficient resource allocation. Our simulations show that the hybrid reinforcement and Q-learning approach consistently outperforms individual Q-learning and reinforcement learning methods, achieving higher throughput, lower latency, and improved resource utilization. The proposed framework offers a flexible and adaptive solution to optimize channel bandwidth allocation in diverse distributed computing scenarios, including cloud computing, edge computing, and IoT networks. The ability to adapt in real time to changing network conditions and workloads ensures efficient data transmission and fair resource distribution among users. The research has also highlighted the significance of machine learning in enhancing channel bandwidth allocation, paving the way for further advancements in distributed computing systems. This work can be extended in future by developing interpretable machine learning models and techniques that provide insights into why certain channel bandwidth allocation decisions are made. XAI can help network administrators understand and trust the decisions made by AI systems, which is crucial for real-world deployments.

Data availability

The data used to support the findings of the research are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Change history



Deep reinforcement learning


Mobile edge computing


Internet of Vehicles


Resource management


Industrial Internet of Things


Wireless body area network


Reinforcement learning


Distributed antenna systems


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Xu, M. RETRACTED ARTICLE: A novel machine learning-based framework for channel bandwidth allocation and optimization in distributed computing environments. J Wireless Com Network 2023, 97 (2023).

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